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The Hive doubles its customer intake

1 min read

The Hive team is thrilled to announce the grand opening of their larger premises, which provides ample space to accommodate twice as many customers.

The new extension also includes a spacious and relaxing waiting area along with an extra basin.

With the new area comes an abundance of natural light and modern amenities creating an inviting atmosphere.

Customers can now bid farewell to cramped quarters and long waits, and experience more offerings and a fresh spacious environment at The Hive.

The dream was about 18 months in the making after The Hive owners found they outgrew their existing space.

“We needed more room – with Strath growing, it was a no brainer,” co-owner, Kim Fleming, said.

“As we’re getting busier, that’s when the vision came in.

“When the opportunity came up, we thought ‘now we can dream’.”

The renovations took about two months, recently opening to the public.

“Everyone comes in and they’re pretty blown away,” Ms Fleming said.

“It’s a lot calmer in here, it’s created space.”

Extra staff were employed alongside the expansion, and now the salon is proud to feature 11 talented hairstylists offering expert services to meet haircare needs.

Donna and Kim would like to especially thank Justin Hoffman for the carpentry; David Barolo for plumbing; and Luke Hughes for painting; who all made the expansion possible while the Hive continued to trade.

To celebrate the milestone birthday, The Hive would like to exclusively invite The Southern Argus readers to use this $15 discount voucher to be used with any service over $50 until the end of July.